Friday, November 29, 2013

Babies on the Brain, Babies in the Belly

*I found this draft when revisiting my long, lost blog...It was written in August 2012.  Out of order time wise, but hey it gives a clue to what has occurred since 2011...

It's been more than a year since I've posted on this blog of inconsequential thoughts and happenings in my life. I did briefly, for a time, 9 months to be exact, evade my mother and her constant haranging to have children. This is because and in fact, my younger sister saved me.  You see, my sister is actually in labor as I type this barrage of recent events.  As it so happens, my sister's pregnancy, her baby bump, bun in the oven, being in the family, on a stork watch has all distracted my mother quite nicely for almost the entire course of the last three semesters of my 2nd year of graduate school.  My mother even said to me once over the phone that it was ok if I didn't want to have kids, its not for everyone and some people just like to study and work. Finally, admittance that one can be perfectly content being a book worm, married, as well as occupy a space with one, large (finniky, anxious, and maniac) dog. Not only have I been able to enjoy the peace of silence on the talk of getting myself knocked up with or without my husband's approval or assistance, I have been able to delight in the upcoming joy of once again being the world's best Auntie. I do enjoy being an Aunt. Spoiling the little shits rotten, and then being able to release the hounds back to their rightful owners!

I suppose I am in fact recounting some events here at this time of my sister's labor, because I am nervous for her. I'm having a hard time with thinking about her giving birth, I can't even imagine what or how she is feeling right now. She has reached the 24 hour mark about an hour and a half ago, after being induced due to passing her due date, as well as low fluids in the womb. My mother is of course here, and has been harassing me to drive her to the hospital since yesterday. But my duty here is to keep my mother occupied and far away from the hospital.  Its not so much that my mom isn't allowed there at the time of the labor, its more that her anxiety and worry makes us all experience increased anxiety and worry including a pregnant lady who is currently trying to "evict" her offspring. Ok and lets face it, my mother can be a bit of tyrant. Ok there, I said it.

Anyway, the whole purpose of spewing my thoughts forth here is to basically describe how much I have enjoyed 9 months of freedom from harassment to bear heirs and pass on the lineage. At this point I don't know what the lineage is, me being of Vietnamese and Dutch origin and my husband being a mix of lord knows what European decent. If I am a half-breed to crudely put it, that would make our children some awful mix of mutt. A smattering of yellow, white, big, tall, petite and small.


Today's Date:  November 29th, 2013, The day after Thanksgiving...

September 2011 - has it really been that long since I've last written an entry!  Well let's just say I was on a three year hiatus with a lot of things going on in between.  Since my last entry, I am still childless.  Yes, that's me, going on 34 and still child free.  And yes, I still receive the phone calls from my cute yet demanding Asian mother, who really WANTS not needs grandchildren, regarding my current abominable state.  My current and ensuing state of childlessness supersedes the fact that since 2011 I have completed a graduate degree and received an award for my thesis research, as well as moved states twice, once to Boise, Idaho and then again to Colorado closer to my younger sister.  I guess it doesn't help matters when my younger sister had a baby in that time and my newly wedded older brother is preparing to welcome their first child!  I thought that my mother gaining two new grandchildren to add to her collection would deter her from harassing me for a while.  Boy, was I wrong!

Tonights phone call started out pleasantly enough.  I happened to just buy a new car today.  Since completing my degree and securing a stable job, I decided it was time to purchase something that doesn't overheat going almost 11,000 feet over the Vail pass to get to Denver.  I purchased a shiny, new Ice Silver Metallic Subaru, something that can handle the snow and ice of the Colorado Rockies.

First inquiry from my mother, "Who drive the new car?"

"Well mom, Josh will drive it most days because his work is further and it will get better gas mileage compared to his truck."

Mom, "What! Why he make you buy the car and he make you drive the truck? That not TRUTH! That not the good thing!  He don't give you baby and he make you drive the truck!"  And she's off!  Her ranting has begun regarding what she views as the "truth" of things and what she deems "good" things.  This made me hysterical - with laughter that is!  How does she manage to fit in the baby talk during a conversation about cars!

"Mom, its okay, my work is only 4 blocks away. I can walk to work. I don't need to drive the car."

"What about the dog? He still live?"

"Yeah, the dog is still alive. I had to find a babysitter for the dog, because the dog was acting crazy and needed someone to walk him."

"They take him from your house? They watch him all day?  How much you pay? Who pay for that, Josh or you?"

"We both pay for it."

Getting angrier, "WHY he make you take care his dog? That he dog. He need to watch he dog.  He want to have a dog but he don't want to give you baby. He WATCH HE DOG!! He PAY FOR HE DOG."

Eeek!  The anger over raising dogs rather than children rises again.  There is a back story to this dog issue.  My mother had once blamed Josh's mother for teaching him to raise dogs instead of children.  Apparently, this is all Josh's mother's fault according to my mom, as she explained it to me back in 2011 shortly after this blog was created.  Back in 2011 around the holidays, she huffed under her breathe, "There goes the son and the father."  She wasn't talking about God or Jesus that's for sure.  She was referring to my husband and Zeuser, his golden retriever son.  My husband did not help matters when he jabblingly described to my mother how his mother calls Zeus her granddog.

My mom, "Hmmmpf."

Since we have moved to Colorado, we now only see my mother a couple times a year.  For her next visit it is my plan to completely shave the dog, teach him to walk on two legs and dress him up like Charlie Brown.  Now, where is that dog whisperer's phone number?  She's so desperate for a baby, I think she'll accept Zeus as her new grandchild.  I just hope she doesn't mind changing his diapers, or reading to his kennel.